In Touch – March 2020

Silas BuchwaldYear 2020

Dear Friends of EuNC,
It has been a few very busy months at EuNC. The news about our Rector leaving; Faculty Assembly; an ECTE Accreditation visit; graduations and special seminars. It is unlikely to get much calmer within the next months as the search for our new Rector will continue. During these exciting and sometimes turbulent times we invite you to stay inTouch with us through this Newsletter as well as through our Facebook page “European Nazarene College”. Together “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Graduation in Spain

On December 1, 2019 the Spain Learning Centre celebrated the accomplishment of another student finishing her Spiritual Formation programme. After studying for many years due to different circumstances beyond her control, she was able to complete the requirements and become the third graduate of this program in Spain since EuNC started to offer courses in this Learning Centre.The night before, Liliana and Fernando Almeida were able to hold a meeting with the District pastors and leadership to discuss the future of the church in Spain. It was a time of talking openly about challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of the church for the next 10 years. The leaders also reflected on how EuNC as a school can continue to partner with the district for the benefit of the development of new leaders. We praise God for what He has done in Spain, and for what He will continue to do as He carries out His mission in Spain. We want to join Him in what He is already doing.

Graduate with LC Coordinator Fernando Almeida

Graduation in Romania

Two graduates received the Qualification in Spiritual Formation at the Romania District Assembly on November 23, 2019. Magda Cini serves as the pastor of the Tigmandru Church of the Nazarene. Her son, Nelutu Cini, serves as the church’s youth leader and assists in pastoral responsibilities. Both are currently pursuing the Diploma in Christian Ministry to fulfill ordination requirements in the Church of the Nazarene. Jonathan Phillips, Romania LC Coordinator, and Teanna Sunberg, representing the Central Europe Field, led the ceremony. Not only was this the first graduation ceremony in the Romania LC since 2011, but it was also the first of a series of graduations planned for the next 4 years, as several students are nearing the completion of the Spiritual Formation and Christian Ministry programmes.

ECTE Accreditation Visit

During and after Faculty Assembly, we had an onsite visitation from the European Council for Theological Education (ECTE) regarding the initial accreditation for our Advanced Diploma in Applied Theology (ADAT) programme (ECTE’s BTh level programme of 180 ECTS). The visit started out with a member of the ECTE team, Dr. Horst Born, joining us for Faculty Assembly to get to know us better and meet with several members of the faculty and board. The other evaluation team member, Dr. Karen Fulton, joined him the following week in Linsengericht, Germany as the leadership team met with them to answer questions and provide additional documentation. We are pleased to report that they are recommending to the ECTE council to move ahead with the accreditation of this new programme. We hope to hear the final decision of the council by the time our spring edition of the inTouch is produced.

ECTE Accreditation Team with EuNC Leadership Team

Board of Trustees Meeting and Faculty Assembly 2020

The meeting of the EuNC Board of Trustees and our annual faculty assembly took place this year in the city of Pristina, Kosova. Several of us started out on Sunday morning worshipping at the Pristina Church of the Nazarene, where an EuNC student pastors, with the pastor of the Sureka church translating for him. It was a wonderful time of worship and sharing.

Faculty Assembly Group Photo

The Board of Trustees met on Monday, 3 February 2020 with the Executive Committee meeting the night before. Along with the normal business of the meetings, a change was accepted in the constitution of EuNC. Out of the Leadership Team’s meetings with the districts, we felt there was a need to have a greater representation of the districts on the board. This constitutional change will create a more representative body on the board for districts that have an active Learning Centre.. We are thankful for this change as well as the addition of a bylaws document to more adequately define our structure and processes at EuNC. Simultaneously with the board meeting, meetings were held during the day with the LC Coordinators and Administrators as well as the faculty and the Curriculum Committee to discuss various issues for improving our operations and curriculum.

On Monday evening, as we normally do, we had a joint worship service with the Board of Trustees and the faculty. It was a great time of worship with Rev. Dr. Deirdre Brower Latz bringing the message for us this year both for this service and our worship times in the Faculty Assembly focusing on what it means to live as a Christian witness in our time. On Tuesday and Wednesday the faculty met for a time of training, sharing, and worship. We organized the meetings differently this year with a longer devotional time which proved fitting with the transitions that are in progress. The training that we receive during these times is important, but it is also equally important that as a faculty we have time to reconnect with each other – allowing us to more effectively work together as virtual teams throughout the rest of the year.
By Alan Schrock (Director IT and Library Services)

On Holiness and Sanctification

As part of a Doctrines course in EuNC’s The Netherlands Learning Centre, two Saturday classes were provided in November by Dr. Diane Leclerc (Professor of Historical Theology at Northwest Nazarene University). She is the author of the book “Discovering Christian Holiness: The Heart of Wesleyan-Holiness Theology,” which has been translated into German and Portuguese. In recent years, she also edited various books with Dr. Mark Maddix (Professor of Practical Theology at Point Loma Nazarene University).

The morning of the second day of classes was open for all who were interested in the district, for which 32 people signed up. Opening up class sessions is an approach EuNC’s The Netherlands Learning Centre has been choosing more and more often in order to share resources with more than just its own students.

Paul Brouwer, one of the students, writes, “After a brief introduction, Diane discussed the teachings of holiness and sanctification. Reasoning from different angles and occasionally supported by a practical example, she managed to communicate her insights well. As a result, concepts such as love, grace, and sanctification gained a valuable deepening. These are rich moments that we are grateful for.”
By Erik Groeneveld (The Netherlands LC Coordinator) and Gideon de Jong (The Netherlands LC Administrator)

Times Of Change At EuNC

Nothing is more consistent than change. Sometimes we are consciously aware of the transformation, sometimes we wish that it could stay as it is. But the last one is not realistic. As Christians we are always on a pilgrimage, challenged by new situations, but knowing that God’s grace is surrounding us. Grace is not static, it is relational, it is dynamic.

As an Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees we were focusing on an advanced strategic plan till 2030 “Growing Together” and implementing bylaws to our constitution where our operational duties and tasks, the functioning of EuNC as an organization is described and last but not least the nomination process for the Rector’s position. At that time we did not know how relevant the new bylaws would become after the nomination of our current Rector Dr. Klaus Arnold as Director of Global Education and Clergy Development. That was a big surprise to all of us. Since December, time was filled with meetings and efforts to begin the search process for a new rector and review the present tasks. Together with the Leadership Team we formulated a Rector’s profile. We discussed it internally, asking for names from the Leadership Team and Board of Trustees. After consultation with Director for the Global Missions Dr. Verne Ward, in January a search committee was formed of Piet Boekhout (Chairman), Peter Ullinger (Vice-Chairman), Stéphane Tibi (Regional Educational Coordinator) and Dr. Jay Sunberg (representing the Region and general church). It was our aim to have a fair and transparent process compliant with the policies of EuNC and the standards of the general church. In our recent Board meeting in February we informed the Trustees, from whom we received unanimously full support for the process. After interviewing the candidates and providing our recommendation to the nominating committee (Dr. Verne Ward and the GS in jurisdiction Dr. Graves) we finished our due diligence process as a search committee. In the next weeks the Board of Trustees needs to take action and vote on the Rector via e-mail by a 2/3 majority vote. This election needs to be reconfirmed in our next Board of Trustees Meeting in February 2021 due to German legislation.

We want to express our thanks to Dr. Klaus Arnold and Martina for 15 years serving as Rector and for 27 years of dedicated service for EuNC. We are proud that Dr. Arnold will become the Director for Global Education & Clergy Development. May God bless and guide Klaus and Martina in their new assignment. We are confident that in his new position the Arnold’s can rely on the large treasury of the European experience for their new global endeavors.

Although we have to say good bye, one thing will remain: We will keep IN TOUCH.
By Peter Ullinger (Board of Trustees Vice-Chairman)

A Word from the Rector

These last weeks were “crazy”: Receiving the news of being elected to a new ministry; preparing for the last Board of Trustees meeting with a change in the constitution for the school; having our last Faculty Assembly in Pristina, Kosovo – and there being surprised by a wonderful and heartwarming farewell party.

In these days and weeks we have experienced God’s presence and guidance in a special way, for which we are thankful. Martina and I have been reminded of our wedding verse we have chosen almost 37 years ago, where God said to David: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8) God is so good and faithful. We praise him for his grace in our lives. And we trust him also for our future – personally, but also for the school we have grown to love over the years, European Nazarene College. It is God’s school – as he will continue to guide and lead the school, the best is still ahead!

We also want to take this opportunity to thank so many friends and supporters we have had the privilege to get to know over these past 27 years at EuNC! You have truly helped to make a difference in our lives in and through European Nazarene College. Please, continue to support the school and pray for its ministry in the future. May God bless you and make you a blessing to many!
Klaus and Martina Arnold

Farewell Celebration for the Arnolds

Along with many other things that have been mentioned about Faculty Assembly, this year we also were faced with the fact that our rector was leaving. We couldn’t let Klaus and Martina go without celebrating his 15 years of service as Rector and their 27 years of service to the college! At the end of the evening service on Monday, we had a farewell celebration for them that included representative speeches followed by a reception. We wanted to make sure they knew they would be missed! It was a good time of celebrating their lives at EuNC with shared stories and naturally, food. We appreciate everyone who contributed to the Arnold Farewell page on Facebook, which did impact their sleep that night as they just couldn’t stop reading all of the wonderful comments!