In Touch – May 2024


A Minute From the Rector

Friends of EuNC, as we embark on a new chapter in the journey of European Nazarene College, it is with great excitement and anticipation that we introduce the 'EuNC Strategic Plan - 2030 Growing Together.' This strategic roadmap not only outlines our vision but also sets forth our overarching strategic objective: “European Nazarene College will become a more significant part of a growing church in the Kingdom of God in Eurasia, collaborating with local churches, districts, the region, and other church and ministry entities in fulfilling the mission of God – making Christlike disciples in the nations.”

At EuNC, we are dedicated to developing a broader view of theological education and broadening the educational delivery to serve and equip all the people of God, both lay and clergy; and to ensure alignment with current educational needs and trends, and enhance strategic alliances and partnerships with the church: the region, districts, and local churches.

While maintaining our current high standards of accreditation and validation, we are also actively exploring innovative ways to enhance and broaden our educational impact. This exploration involves identifying emerging trends and needs within theological education and considering how EuNC can adapt or expand its offerings to address them. We trust in God's guidance as we embark on these new educational initiatives, aligning with the vision and objectives of our college's newly approved strategy by the Board of Trustees in January 2023.

I extend an invitation to the Friends of EuNC to engage with articles that reflect our core values and celebrate the achievements and professional development of our faculty members through new publications and their participation in global and interdenominational conferences. Welcome our academic team members in their new roles, and celebrate the collaborative agreements with other institutions that strengthen our community and facilitate student mobility for continued studies. As we mourn the loss of members within our college community, we find solace in their remembered lives and are reminded of the eternal hope we have in Christ.

Thank you for your support and interest as we embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and as we strive to fulfill our mission and vision together.

On behalf of the entire EuNC Team 

Rev. Mária Gusztinné Tulipán (Rector)