In Touch – June 2019

Silas BuchwaldYear 2019

Dear Friends of EuNC,Summer has started, temperatures are on fire and people are trying to stay cool. Even though this also means that it is vacation time for many and the academic year is over, … Read More

In Touch – May 2019

Silas BuchwaldYear 2019

Dear Friends of EuNC, The past weeks we have remembered the journey that Jesus took during his last day on earth: the entry in Jerusalem, the cross, the resurrection. We have celebrated that Jesus conquered … Read More

In Touch – February 2019

Silas BuchwaldYear 2019

Dear Friends of EuNC, Several weeks of 2019 have already gone by. It is almost springtime and the change outside is becoming more and more visible: first blossoms, butterflies, warm sunlight. As EuNC we do … Read More