In Touch – September 2021

dlieskeYear 2021

Dear Friends of EuNC, God’s people had to be reminded by the Lord himself: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way … Read More

In Touch – July 2021

dlieskeYear 2021

Dear Friends of EuNC, John Newton’s “Amazing Grace” might be one of the most known and sung Christian hymns of the past 250 years. It describes that very same chainbreaking, redeeming and overwhelming grace that … Read More

In Touch – May 2021

dlieskeYear 2021

Dear Friends of EuNC, “Enabling Christlike Disciples for Ministry” has been our mission as a school for a long time. We are not only following the mission of our church, but the instructions Jesus gave … Read More

In Touch – March 2021

dlieskeYear 2021

Dear Friends of EuNC, John reports in Revelation what he heard in his vision: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, … Read More

In Touch – September 2020

Silas BuchwaldYear 2020

Dear Friends of EuNC, The 2020-21 academic year has started. For the very first time we were able to celebrate a new school year via an online Opening Convocation. The reactions from people from many … Read More

In Touch – July 2020

Silas BuchwaldYear 2020

Dear Friends of EuNC, We greet you with a word from King David: “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you” (Psalm 63:3, NIV). Those mighty words are both encouraging and … Read More

In Touch – March 2020

Silas BuchwaldYear 2020

Dear Friends of EuNC,It has been a few very busy months at EuNC. The news about our Rector leaving; Faculty Assembly; an ECTE Accreditation visit; graduations and special seminars. It is unlikely to get much … Read More

In Touch – November 2019

Silas BuchwaldYear 2019

Dear Friends of EuNC,a new academic year has started and so have activities, conferences and celebrations in various Learning Centres. It is a blessing to find that while we have theological conversations we can see … Read More