Dear Friends of EuNC,
A new academic year means welcoming new faces: new students, new faculty, new relationships. We are thankful for every Learning Centre that takes good care of people that responded to God’s call for ministry. We are grateful for every teacher that invests into our students’ spiritual, personal and academic wellbeing. The opening of the school year 2021-2022, led by the Portugal Learning Centre, was just a little glimpse of how many people are investing into our community. The same is true for our upcoming panel discussion that will not just benefit students but everyone who is interested in one of the crucial questions of our time.
This In Touch shows a variety of all of these facets of our EuNC life. May we feel welcomed and guided by our teacher Jesus Christ:
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29 – NIV).
Dennis Lieske (Editor)
Panel Discussion On Environment And Lifestyle
How do we understand the new ecological reality in a biblical way? EuNC wants to approach this question in a panel discussion that will be livestreamed directly on
The event will take place on 8 October, 17:00 CEST.
- Dr. Dalia Matijevic
(EuNC Faculty, PhD in Biology – Environmental Management and MA in Theology) - Dr. Matteo Ricciardi
(EuNC Faculty, Master Thesis on Moltmann’s Ecotheology; PhD in Music/Pedagogical Science) - Frank Holleman
(Founder of Fork Ranger –
- Rev. Dr. Roberta Bustin
(Former Science professor, researcher for NASA, EuNC Faculty)
Opening Convocation – EuNC Starts New Academic Year
EuNC successfully started the new academic year 2021-2022 with a Convocation Ceremony on 1 September. The livestreamed event was hosted by faculty and alumni of the Portugal Learning Centre who contributed scripture readings, worship music and personal testimonies.
LC Coordinator Rev. João Pedro Pereira welcomed the EuNC community and led through the Ceremony. Rev. Silas Almeida from the Portugal District encouraged the students in his message to strive for triumph in their studies as God will be faithful to His call for them, even amidst struggles and challenges. The academic year was officially opened with a blessing by Rector Rev. Mária Gusztinné Tulipán. A recording of the Ceremony is available on and on
- LC Coordinator Rev. João Pedro Pereira
- Music by Priscila & Miller Guevara
- Rev. Silas Almeida
Faculty Spotlight
Welcome to our new teachers!
EuNC is always thankful for the great support and effort by so many people that help us to bring academic education to our students. Therefore, we want to welcome every new Faculty member that has joined their respective Learning Centres this year:
- Rev. Dr. Patrick Gué (France LC)
- Dr. Greg Crofford (France LC)
- Dr. Giancarlo Rinaldi (Italy LC)
- Philippe Batreau (France LC)
- Yuri Iritsa (Russia LC)
- Rev. Ergest Biti (Albania-Kosovo LC)
From our Learning Centres: the Netherlands
Individual Courses Draw Students
In the past academic year (2020/2021) EuNC in the Netherlands decided to open the door of education wider, desiring to reach out to a wider audience. Besides programmes for students interested in earning credit, other potential students became interested in taking courses. We started to promote and offer courses with non-accredited study students in mind. The courses and class sessions were prepared less on theory, but rather with an appealing title and description, and with applicable knowledge and discussions. This seems to be an area with great potential, and many people are interested. By emphasizing this possibility, the Learning Centre desires to also strengthen those who are unable to take accredited courses for credit as degree-seeking or even as non-degree students.
Secondly courses with only learning forums (without in-class or video conference sessions), can often be challenging for spiritual and character formation as well as for those with other learning styles. To save travel time, EuNC in The Netherlands is now using videoconferencing for most of its class sessions. With the help of online scheduling tools, meetings can be planned, and video conferences can be recorded and made available to those that were unable to attend.
Throughout 2020/2021, these two steps have led to courses with 10+, 20+, and even 30+ participants. Through this we hope more people will find their way to EuNC.
Rev. Gideon de Jong
(The Netherlands LC Administrator)
Students Anneke Nicolai, Hans Bleeker and Sylvia Oosterwijk of the Netherlands Learning Centre had the honor of receiving their Certificate of Spiritual Formation on 24 September. The ceremony took place during a pastors conference. We had the privilege of having EuNC Rector Rev. Mária Gusztinné Tulipán in our midst to lead the ceremony. We acknowledged the hard work of the three students and celebrated this milestone with them! District Superintendent Rev. Antonie Holleman closed the ceremony with a prayer of thanksgiving. Afterwards we had a lovely meal together. Sylvia will continue her studies at Nazarene Theological College in Manchester, UK. Anneke and Hans will pursue the Diploma of Christian Ministry at EuNC.
Dr. Erik Groeneveld
(The Netherlands LC Coordinator)
- Rector Gusztinné Tulipán and LC Coordinator Groeneveld with students Anneke Nicolai…
- …Hans Bleeker…
- …and Sylvia Oosterwijk.
A Word from the Rector
Greetings and blessings to all Learning Centres!
Welcome to each new Student at our sixteen Learning Centers! Special welcome to the 50 new students. It is a joy that 4 past students will
continue their studies. I trust that you will find a great learning community and will enjoy your studies at EuNC! May God bless the studies of our 354 students! We are thrilled about our programme students, the non-degree students and also those taking various courses of non-accredited studies offered through our college, out of whom 9 students have now enrolled as regular students. May the Holy Spirit journey with each one and enrich their lives!
Welcome to each new Faculty member who has joined our college community! We praise God for the investment of the 143 international faculty members teaching in fourteen languages!
This is also a celebration season of graduations and ordinations! We ask blessings on those who have recently graduated, those who are graduating soon! We have 19 potential graduates this fall from the various programmes. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for those of you who will be ordained in the coming months. We celebrate with you, your family, your district and the entire church! We welcome each of our Graduates to the Alumni Association of EuNC! You are joining a great community of people!
The Lord has done great things for us; We are glad. (Psalm 126:3)
Rector Mária Gusztinné Tulipán