Dear Friends of EuNC,
God’s people had to be reminded by the Lord himself: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19). The God of the past, present and future is one who keeps working on making things new. We are thankful that we can be part of this process. It might be the start of a new academic year that reminds us of this truth. It might be the launch of a new website that demonstrates that God’s journey with us is not over. It might be the look back into the history of EuNC and its students that encourages us to continue enabling Christlike disciples for ministry. As a college we are ready and excited to discover everything that our Lord has already prepared for 2021-2022. We invite you to follow us on this journey as we pray that God will make ways and streams wherever you need it.
Dennis Lieske (Editor)
Invitation To Opening Ceremony
After the positive experience last year we want to open the academic year again together as an EuNC community. We are very grateful that the Portugal Learning Centre has offered to host this year’s Convocation Ceremony on 1 September, 18:00 CEST. You are invited to celebrate with us! You can join by watching the livestream on our Facebook page and on
New Website Launched
EuNC is thankful to announce the launch of its fully renewed website which went online on 13 August. While it is accessible through the same URL, it now appears in a remodelled design. The clear structure allows the user to find all important information about the college, the different programmes and academic areas. In addition, all recent articles of the In Touch Newsletter can be accessed with just a few clicks.
A very significant element of the past design was the map on the main homepage that allowed users to get to the sites of the different Learning Centres. This element has been embellished in the new design. Some Learning Centre sites have already been integrated into the new look while other sites will be completed in the near future.
One fundamental change to the old design is the development of a responsive design which allows the website, including the Learning Centre sites, to be displayed neatly on tablets and smartphones.
A special thank you goes to Silas Buchwald from seelachsmedia who has helped the PR Team in developing the website. We are also thankful for the support of Priscila Guevara, Administrator of the Portugal Learning Centre, in the creation of the Learning Centre sites.
“It broadened our minds”
Club 55-Interview with EuNC-Alumni Werner and Angelika Stöppler
Werner and Angelika Stöppler belong to the students that experienced the very first classes of college 55 years ago. While Werner studied to become a pastor, Angelika took individual courses. After their studies, they served in several Nazarene churches both in Germany and Great Britain. We asked them about their memories of the beginning of our school and about the influence of EuNC today.
Werner and Angelika, tell us how you actually heard about the college. What made you decide to study there?
W: We became Christians about half a year before the school started. We had begun to attend the church in Hanau, Germany. When the future Rector of the school, John B. Nielson, visited, we met him and decided to move to Büsingen.
What did the first classes in January 1966 look like?
W: The first classes were very small with about 5 people. You can probably imagine that none of us spoke English fluently, some not even at all. Sometimes it was translated or the teacher tried to speak in different languages to the students. After half a year we began to understand English and the teachers could give their lessons with less interruptions.
A: We all lived in one building. Even though Werner and I didn’t speak a word of English, we had to speak it in the presence of someone from another nation. It is kind of funny now. We had to communicate with hands and feet to understand each other.
What memories do you have of your time at the college that you would call a highlight?
W: I think the highlights of this time were meeting the students from other nations. We had come from a small village near Frankfurt. Our life was very small I would say. Then we met Italians, Finns, Americans and people from the Netherlands. Their culture and their different ways challenged us to think about things greater than our own life.
A: It broadened our lives and minds and enriched our lives. Another highlight was that two of our girls were born there.
W: I would also add meeting the leaders from our church, missionaries, District and General Superintendents. We really got to know quite a few key people of our church. It was not about their positions, their titles or their work, but about the kind of life they lived. They were really positive examples of the spirit-filled life that our church emphasized at this time.
How did your time at the college shape your further ministry?
W: There was a great excitement and dedication among the students and teachers. We had a very special atmosphere. We believed in what we were doing and we were completely dedicated to the task we felt was ours. I remember a situation where the teacher spoke on some aspect of the spirit-filled life and it was as if the classroom became like a sanctuary. Afterwards I went to the teacher and we prayed together. He put his hand on my head and became my minister, my experienced friend. These examples influenced us at this time.
In which ways are you still in contact with fellow students back then?
A: I am in contact with a good number of people through social media or via phone. These are personal friendships that have lasted through all those years. We have also followed the development of the college over the past years.
Which aspects of how EuNC looks like today would you have wished to have had back in the day?
W: My impression is that the training that is given to the students now is more connected with the local church. That was a little difficult in our time. We had a local church there in Büsingen. But it was not like the church in Hanau where we came from. So I think that the training and the connection with the local church from which these students are is a very positive thing. And that is something we didn’t have at this time.
Thank you for this interview!
How are you connected with our college? What stories that you have experienced in 55 years of EuNC history? Don‘t hesitate to tell us by messaging!
Also check out our Club 55-Interview with EuNC-friends Dr. David and Lisa Frisbie on our Facebook page.
A Word from the Rector
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease“ (Gen 8,22). So it is that time of the year: time of harvest and heat, long days and summer! Summer vacation is a time that most of us anticipate. It is a resetting time that helps us feel more human through spending time with family and friends, getting outdoors more, being enriched by new experiences, living a few days with a sense of timelessness, and regaining our creativity.
At EuNC, the summer has been a resetting time. We have been transitioning to a new student information system, and our website is also being renewed. It means that many of our colleagues have been very busy, including the board members who have been meeting and working with passion and much dedication in the past months to discuss the mission and vision of our college. It is also a time of anticipation as we welcome new students being admitted to start their studies, and new faculty members who start teaching in various European locations and languages. We are also excited about our alumni association being formed, who share memories with us through the stories and pictures. We treasure those that had studied and taught at and invested into our college. Their testimonies show us the acts of a faithful and mighty God revealed through our story, which gives us strength for the present and hope for the future.
I pray that you can enjoy some refreshing time in the summer. Let us meet at the Convocation celebration on the 1st September, ready to start renewed and refreshed with anticipation for God’s future for us!
Rector Mária Gusztinné Tulipán