In Touch – Graduation Special 2021

dlieskeYear 2021

Quick Links: Romania | New Coordinator | Italy | Word from Rector

Dear Friends of EuNC,
Hope, peace, joy and love are some of the keywords that we emphasize during this Advent and Christmas season. We hope for the prince of peace to break into our lives with His kingdom. We rejoice that God would send himself in Jesus Christ to show us His love. It is good to know that none of this is limited to this time of year. In fact, we want to celebrate each evidence we see that God is at work. One way to do this is to join into the joy of the men and women that recently have completed different studies at European Nazarene College. With this Graduation Special we want to acknowledge the hard work of our students and the blessings they received by studying and graduating. We are pleased that this edition is only part 1 as there will be more graduations to report about very soon. Congratulations to all the Learning Centers, Coordinators, Administrators, teachers and students! We thank our EuNC community for all support in the past year that results in celebrations like the ones mentioned here. May His peace, joy and love fulfil all your hopes during Christmas and in the new year.

Dennis Lieske (Editor)


The Romania Learning Centre held its graduation ceremony at the Romania District Assembly on Sunday afternoon, November 14. Due to COVID restrictions, the assembly took place on Zoom, with participants in different locations. Rector Mária Gusztinné Tulipán conferred the degrees, which were presented by LC Coordinator Jonathan Phillips and LC Administrator Oana Cristurean. Magda Cini, Nelutu Cini, Roxana Cini, and Relu Cristurean all received the Diploma in Christian Ministry, while Paula Creely graduated with the Advanced Diploma in Applied Theology.
This was a momentous event for several reasons. Not only was it the Romania LC’s largest graduation to date and the first time accredited degrees were earned in Romania, but it also marks a significant step forward for the Romania District. This year’s four DCM graduates and one other minister have now completed the courses required for ordination in the Church of the Nazarene and are approved to be ordained as elders, which will happen in the near future.

Rev. Jonathan Phillips
(Romania LC Coordinator )



EuNC rejoices in the recent appointment of Romania LC Coordinator Rev. Jonathan Phillips as Romania District Superintendent.
We praise God for such blessed leadership in our Districts and pray for guidance on this new journey.


Student Sara Schmid of the Italian Learning Centre had the honour of receiving her Advanced Diploma in Applied Theology on November 7th. The ceremony took place during the Sunday service in her home church in Florence, with the presence of EuNC Rector Rev. Mária Gusztinné Tulipán, the District Superintendent Rev. Daniel Fink and the LC Coordinator Dr. Matteo Ricciardi. We had the privilege of having the rector lead the ceremony after also having given greetings from the College to our District Assembly the day before. Taking advantage of the mild weather, we had a nice moment of food and fellowship after the ceremony by sharing a typical Italian lunch with pasta!
We are especially happy because of Sara’s achievement since she’s the first ADAT graduate student in our LC! Having completed the ordination requirements within her studies at EuNC, Sara was also elected to the deacon’s orders and will be ordained as soon as possible. We rejoice with her and thank God for his mercy and faithfulness upon her life.

Dr. Matteo Ricciardi
(Italy LC Coordinator)

A Word from the Rector

EuNC 2021 Graduation Celebration

European Nazarene College (EuNC) celebrated the graduation ceremonies in 2021,
in the 55th year of its mission, which were held in-person, hybrid and via Zoom. The graduation of these students was held at multiple events in Theological Conferences, Learning Centre Days, District Assemblies, pastor’s retreats and other events that were held in the various contexts of the graduating students.

This year’s graduates are from the following countries:

  • 2 students studied in the Hungary Learning Centre
  • 5 students studied in the Central Asia Learning Centre
  • 3 students studied in the Russia Learning Centre
  • 3 students studied in the the Netherlands Learning Centre
  • 1 student studied in the Italy Learning Centre
  • 5 students studied in the Spain Learning Centre
  • 5 students studied in the Albania-Kosova Learning Centre
  • 5 students studied in the Romania Learning Centre.

Our students graduated with the following degrees:

  • 2 students earned an Advanced Diploma in Applied Theology (ADAT)
  • 17 students earned a Diploma of Christian Ministry (DCM)
  • 10 students earned a Certificate in Spiritual Formation (CSF),
  • 8 of which continue with DCM studies.

We are proud that 4 students were honuored for the completion of their studies (Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude).

At the end of the year, this is our joyful report of the blessings as we look back with gratitude to the year of 2021. In this special season, let us rejoice
“for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.”

Rector Mária Gusztinné Tulipán