In Touch – November 2019

Silas BuchwaldYear 2019

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Dear Friends of EuNC,
a new academic year has started and so have activities, conferences and celebrations in various Learning Centres. It is a blessing to find that while we have theological conversations we can see the fruits of our ministry as EuNC, sometimes even both within the same Learning Centre at the same time. However, we know that it is not our doing alone or even mainly that brings people to Christ and leads them to theological education and ministry. We know that we cannot do anything apart from Him (John 15:5). We know that it is His spirit that brings forth the fruit of His work in us (Galatians 6:22). We do know that we are not responsible for the growth itself but for being willing to serve as workers for the harvest. May we continue to offer our ministry as His disciples and as EuNC to the Lord of the harvest.

Graduation in Portugal

The Portugal Learning Centre is celebrating the graduation of Maria Alina Araújo. On October 5 she received her Diploma in Christian Ministry. Being 74 years old she is an example of persistence and courage that could be witnessed by all present. Her graduation took place in the Lisbon Nazarene Church and a good representation of the local church she pastors came. As was announced at the following banquet the theme for the upcoming academie in the Learning Centre will be “A Community Of Learning”, in which all are invited to lifelong learning.

Italy Theology Day

On 5 October 2019 the Italy District held its first ever Theology Day at the University of Catania (Università degli Studi di Catania). The theme of the conference was “The Heredity of Wesley: A national discussion on the presence and role of Wesley’s contribution to Italian evangelism”. There were speakers representing four different universities and several different denominations including the Church of the Nazarene. There was also a round-table discussion, with four different denominations represented, talking about the experience of holiness in one’s life, beyond just an academic understanding of holiness. In addition to the conference, an ensemble from the Florence Church of the Nazarene provided music. There were more than 80 individuals in attendance, of these 22 were pentecostal pastors.

Certificate in Spiritual Formation: First Graduates In Italy

On 6 October 2019 the Italy Learning Centre was pleased to have a ceremony for its first Certificate in Spiritual Formation graduates. The graduation was held within the morning worship service at the Catania Church of the Nazarene for two certificate recipients: Azzurra Caltabiano and Maria Rosa Curcuruto. Chairman Piet Boekhoed, LC Coordinator J. Alan Schrock and LC Administrator Matteo Ricciardi led the ceremony. It was followed with a sermon by District Superintendent Daniel Fink and a meal hosted by members of the church. Both graduates will continue on with the Diploma in Christian Ministry programme.

Strategic Planning at the Hungary Learning Centre

Rector Dr. Klaus Arnold invited the Hungary Learning Centre to participate in formulating EuNC’s new strategic plan, “Growing Together” (for the years 2020-2030). As EuNC is working on that it is important to receive input from the different Learning Centres. On Friday, 11 October 2019 the Nazarene District Superintendent and the educational leaders of the Wesleyan Alliance member organisations met with the Rector in Budapest to discuss their future and how EuNC (through the Learning Centre and the general administration) can work with them in fulfilling the mission of God. The participants confirmed their collaboration in the area of education, expressing their contentment with the EuNC curriculum and appreciated that they could integrate contextual courses for the situation in Hungary. The meeting was only the beginning of further discussions in the future as we all seek God’s guidance in how we can best proclaim the kingdom of God in Hungary

Theology Conference in Budapest

The Wesleyan Alliance in Hungary held its annual Theology Conference on 12 October 2019. Speakers were Rev. Szuhánszky T. Gábor, Dr. Klaus Arnold and Dr. Manfred Marquardt who later on were interviewed by one of the main Hungarian national television channels. The day started with the Salvation Army brass band leading the participants into God’s presence. The day ended with an offering taken for Syrians affected by the present war. It is not only important that we define our Wesleyan identity, but that we actually live it out personally and as church in our local and global context.

A Word from the Rector

“Graduations” and “strategic meetings” define very much the highlights of this autumn. And both belong together: EuNC does not exist in a “vacuum” (just providing theological education). Especially as a fully decentralised school we are strongly connected to our region, the fields, the districts, the local churches and even other church organisations. EuNC serves the church and the kingdom of God. Our mission is to “enable Christlike disciples for ministry”. Therefore, it is important that as we seek God’s guidance for the future of our school, we walk together with the different entities of the church in order to formulate a strategic plan. “Growing Together” expresses very well what we want to do in the next 10 years. Thanks for all your support and prayers!
Let us continue to “stay in touch”,

Klaus Arnold, Rector