Quick Links: Central Asia | Albania-Kosova | Germany | Armenia | Spain | Academic Year 2021/2022
Dear Friends of EuNC,
The past months have been filled with celebrations in various Learning Centres of our college. We are grateful for the students that we have been able to walk with on their way to graduation. Many thanks also to the teachers and the Learning Centres’ leadership, as none of this would be possible without their dedication. This special looks back at the highlights of multiple graduation ceremonies of this academic year. We are excited to share with you what God is doing in the lives of many.
Dennis Lieske (Editor)
In April 2022 a graduation ceremony took place in Nur-Sultan where two students from the Central Asia LC graduated with the Diploma in Christian Ministry. One student received the Certificate of Spiritual Formation. The event took place at the District Assembly which was a joyful celebration especially since people could gather in one place after pandemic restrictions had been lifted. The graduation was particularly special since it was the first time Rector Rev. Mária Gusztinné Tulipán was able to travel to Kazakhstan and personally address the graduates and present the certificate and diplomas. Prior to the official graduation ceremony she in a celebration dinner together with the graduates and the district leaders. Rector Mária shared later, “It was a great time of fellowship, reflection on the personal testimonies, studies, ministry and some great questions on the college from the graduates, and input from their perspective. We had great laughter, stories and cultural richness shared around the table.
”The graduation ceremony itself was a only saddened by the absence of the LC administrator Zhannetta who had fallen ill a week prior to the event and is still under close supervision of the doctors. Multiple times her name was mentioned as the one who had invested so much into the theological education in Central Asia. Her passion and love for the students was much appreciated. The efforts of the graduating students also did not go unnoticed, and their accomplishments were celebrated together with their commitment to education and ministry. Their ministry involvement and goals that were presented to the Assembly served as a great testimony to God who still calls people and who is faithful to those committed to be equipped for ministry.
Afterwards all participants were invited to share a meal and fellowship. Rector Maria met several of EuNC alumni and students who previously took courses at the college. She was able to witness the rich history of the partnership of EuNC and the Central Asia District, whose leadership helps to maintain the strong alliance of the church and theological education. When asked about her trip Rector Mária said, “The oriental hospitality of the people in Central Asia is an enriching experience, the wonderful food and tea, and the kindness are long-lasting treasures the visitors take with them. May the Lord grant us to be able to have an overall EuNC event in Central Asia!” Let’s hope this wish will come true one day.
Report by the Central Asia Learning Centre Coordinator
The Albania-Kosova Learning Centre held its graduation ceremony during the Albania-Kosova District Assembly on Saturday, 13 November. Due to relative freedom in the country of Albania in regards to the COVID situation, the Assembly and graduation took place in person at a hotel located in Durres along the Adriatic Sea. Although no representatives from EuNC could be physically present at the graduation, Rev. Fernando Almeida represented Rector Maria Gusztinne Tulipan through zoom and conferred the degrees, which were presented by Edlira Biti, the LC Administrator for the Albania-Kosova District. Alan Schrock, EuNC Staff and current Albania-Kosova LC Coordinator was also connected by zoom.
The amazing aspect of this graduation was that of the 5 graduates, 4 denominations were represented. The Superintendent for the United Methodist Church for Albania, Wilfried Nausner and his wife Jean, were able to be present and prayed for the graduates. Diana Carmona, Florian Cela, Gjergji Lushka, and Samuel Shkullaku all received the Diploma in Christian Ministry, while Ermal Gjermeni graduated with the Certificate in Spiritual Formation. We are excited to see how EuNC continues to impact the larger Body of Christ in Albania and Kosova.
Steven Beiler
(Albania-Kosova District Superintendent)
The Germany Learning Centre is glad to announce the graduation of one student with the Certificate of Spiritual Formation. The Certificate was presented at the Germany District Assembly on 25 March. It is great news that the student has decided to continue studying in the Diploma in Christian Ministry programme
21 March 2022 was an important day for the Armenia Learning Centre. Anna Artsrunyan and Roza Vardanyan graduated with the Diploma in Christian Ministry. The graduation took place during the Armenia District Assembly. Special guests were the General Superintendent in Jurisdiction, Rev. Dr. David Busic, Eurasia Regional Director Rev. Jim Ritchie and Rector Rev. Mária Gusztinné Tulipán. The Armenia LC Administrator Rev. Seyran Vardanyan as well as the LC Coordinator assisted in leading through the ceremony.
The students have been a real blessing to both the district and the college. Anna started her education at EuNC in 2012. During her time of studies she served the Armenia District in several roles, being active in church planting and as Child Development Coordinator. In 2015 she became a Global Missionary with the Church of the Nazarene, together with her husband serving as Eurasia North Field Field Strategy Coordinator. Roza Vardanyan started her studies in 2013. Over the years she has been involved with different ministries in her local church including children, youth and worship. During 2013-2017 she served as NMI President in Armenia. In November 2021 she took over the NMI leadership for the Eurasia North Field.
Both students graduated with honors, Anna with Magna Cum Laude, Roza with Summa Cum Laude. However, the graduation wasn‘t the only celebration of that day as both students were ordained as the first female elders in the Armenia District by Dr. Busic. This is a huge step and an enormous blessing for us, as it enriches the Church of the Nazarene in Armenia with knowledge and rich spiritual experience of mature leaders. They will be an example to our future students. As Armenia LC Administrator I want to emphasize the role of EuNC in raising leaders. We are on school in many nations.
Rev. Seyran Vardanyan
(Armenia Learning Centre Administrator)
In November 2021, the Spain Learning Centre reached another milestone with the graduation of the first two students of the Diploma in Christian Ministry. This is a significant accomplishment for the Spain District as this programme corresponds to the minimum academic requirements for a minister to be considered for ordination. Additionally, three students graduated with the Certificate in Christian Formation, which focuses on personal development for a stronger and deeper relationship with God which is the foundation for Christian ministry.
The event took place virtually due to the pandemic restrictions; still, it was a meaningful time to recognize the accomplishment of these students. We counted on an inspiring sermon from our Rector, Rev. Mária Gusztinné-Tulipán, challenging our graduates to arise and proclaim the message of salvation, knowing that God’s light has shone on His people. We were also blessed with the presence of our Field Strategy Coordinator (Western Mediterranean Field) and District Superintendent for Spain, Rev. Bruce McKellips, and the participation of students and faculty in the liturgy of the event.
It is always a special time for a learning community to pause and celebrate the accomplishments of its members, as they become a source of motivation for those who are still on the journey to complete their learning journey. So, as a community, we celebrate with our graduates the completion of their programmes and commit to pray for them as they continue to engage in ministry using the tools they received through their studies.
Dr. Fernando Almeida
(Spain Learning Centre Coordinator)
EuNC had 25 graduates in the 2021/2022 academic year:
The graduates are from the following countries:
- 2 students studied in the Armenia Learning Centre
- 3 students studied in the Central Asia Learning Centre
- 1 student studied at the Germany Learning Centre
- 3 students studied in the the Netherlands Learning Centre
- 1 student studied in the Italy Learning Centre
- 5 students studied in the Spain Learning Centre
- 5 students studied in the Albania-Kosova Learning Centre
- 5 students studied in the Romania Learning Centre.
Our students graduated with the following degrees:
- 2 students earned an Advanced Diploma in Applied Theology (ADAT)
- 14 students earned a Diploma of Christian Ministry (DCM)
- 9 students earned a Certificate in Spiritual Formation (CSF)
8 of which continue with DCM studies.
We are proud that 3 students were honuored for the completion of their studies (Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude).